Thursday, January 30, 2014

Nintendo Charity Auction 2014 submission!

Last year I signed up for the Nintendo Charity Auction held by SHM group and here's the end result!
After replaying SSBM and raising some in Pokemon X, I never realized how tough Pichu really has it. It's adorable but weak and forgettable. Some of it's pokedex discriptions include Pichu not being able to control the sparks that come off it's electric cheek pouches, and it being so startled by it's own electric sparks that it would make itself cry.  The only thing it has going for it is it's evolution (and maybe Volt Tackle). In Melee, it keeps it's weakness characteristic by hurting itself whenever it uses electric moves. I mean, dude, what? It's hard to wreck house if I wreck myself in the process.

But y'know, I really felt for the little guy.  It just wants to be the best (that no one ever was..). Like the saying goes: No pain, no gain!

Some inspirations:

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