WELP, This was a Christmas surprise!Thanks for all the votes! Feels so awesome, man! Thought I'd post early thought process for Tora, the cat.
When I got the email that I was moving onto round two, I had already made some idea sketches in mind for the contest. I looked at my fiance's cats for inspiration and sketched out more ideas. Before the judges selected my cat for the contest, I also had a dog character named Wolf. So he was part of my early sketches as well.
I narrowed it down to 8 catagories, including the original sticker that got me into round 2. I cleaned them up, animated in Flash, then finished the up in a little over a week. (The turn around was not part of the contest, I just did it for reference).
Being engaged was the #1 thing to happen to me in 2014. But this contest shares a close second next to graduating! Wooo!